Yoga Moments has been created by  Melanie Cook and Sue Northrop. We know Yoga works from our experience as carers and as Yoga Teachers. Yoga helped us cope emotionally and physically with the demands of caring, it gave us skills and perspective that we have used in our caring roles and to care for ourselves.

We have got together to provide courses designed to help people to use Yoga principles and practice to enhance the quality of life for people with dementia and carers. We have courses for people with dementia and care-partners/families, for experienced Yoga Teachers and Yoga practitioners and for Health and Social Care and Exercise professionals.


Yoga can bring benefits for everyone on many levels:

  • Physical - joints, muscles
  • Psychological - anxiety, stress, worry
  • Emotional - anger, loneliness, grief
  • Spiritual - connect to the earth, inner self, God or higher power
  • Community - people doing Yoga together, relationships

We’ve designed these courses to make Yoga accessible to everyone - even for a moment.


Yoga Moments:

  • Makes Yoga accessible for everyone in every setting - care homes, day centres and in the community
  • Takes Yoga off the mat - we focus on using Yoga anywhere, any time, with any body
  • Brings Yoga into your daily life and relationships - at home, at work and at play
  • Helps you find small spaces - moments - for Yoga in your body, your life and the lives of people you love, people you work with
  • Helps you recognise/spot a Yoga Moment - however small and fleeting
  • Gives you techniques, skills and understanding to use Yoga every day
  • To do Yoga that works for you - doing what works for you and your body, when it suits you
  • Helps you build skills and confidence to use Yoga in your life


Wear lycra, have a mat or to be able to get up and down off the floor

Find time to get to a long Yoga class

Be able to stand on your head



 Get in touch to find out more. We look forward to sharing Yoga Moments with you.


Everyone can do yoga – yoga is totally flexible and can be adapted for everyone – if you can breathe you can do yoga

Even a moment of Yoga can improve our health and well-being, giving us a breathing space, time for me so I can just be me’, Yoga is time out of being a carer or being cared for

Yoga can keep us going, keep us connected to life and to the people and things that matter to us. Yoga can deepen and strengthen our relationships with ourselves and others. We know from our experience as carers, from doing yoga classes and as Yoga teachers that Yoga brings moments of hope and joy, even when life is tough, maybe especially when life is tough. Sometimes these moments are as short as a single breath.